Like the Pharaoh who expanded the Egyptian empire, Ramses: Tarot of Eternity pushes the boundaries of Egyptian-themed tarot decks with amazing beauty and utility. Artist Severino Baraldi does not imitate Egyptian art styles, but creates snapshots of the past using detailed research and a realistic style that help you step into the past to find patterns indicating the future. Giordano Berti blends Egyptian mythology, rituals, and ancient esoteric formulas with the symbolic structure developed by 19th century French occultists, making this deck surprisingly easy to use.

Boxed deck includes
78 full-color cards and instruction booklet.

Автор: Giordano Berti, Severino Baraldi
Комплектация: 78 карт с инструкцией на русском языке
Материал: Картон, бумага

Ramses Tarot of Eternity

  • 200.00Шек.
  • 180.00Шек.

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